Results for 'R. Van Brakell Buys'

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  1.  35
    Le Culte De Kali, La Mère.W. R. van Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):158-158.
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  2. Gestalten uit de Perzische Mystiek.R. Van Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):60-61.
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    De wijsheid van Spinoza en de schoonheid der Tachtigers.R. Van Brakell Buys - 1959 - Brill.
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    De manifestatie van het absolute.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (10):425 - 439.
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    Over het denken.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):20 - 30.
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  6. Het ideeëndrama van Friedrich Hebbel.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (12):525-526.
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    De conceptie van Kali de Moeder.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (4):144 - 158.
    Le culte grandiose de Kali, la Mère, son incomparable symbolisme, ses litanies et ses chants, embrasse l'âme de l'univers qu'il glorifie comme aucune conception religieuse ne le fit jamais. La terrifiante déesse sème la peste et les pires ravages sur ses pas, tout en accordant sa grâce et sa clémence à ses enfants assez hardis pour soulever l'horrible masque derrière lequel elle se cache la figure. Ceux-là retrouveront les traits radieux qui ont enchanté leur enfance. La sublime conception de Kali, (...)
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  8.  21
    Mensch en Kosmos bij Plotinus.W. R. Van Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (6):293 - 308.
    Notre époque, traversée de courants mystiques, manifeste un intérêt tout particulier pour les idées du neo-platonicien Plotin. Pour le platonicien l'univers participe à l'idée. Platon considérait les choses comme le reflet de l'idée, ce que Plotin se refusait à admettre. La diversité dont la vie fait preuve atteste son inépuisable richesse, et si les choses dans leur état particulier sont imparfaites et défectueuses, c'est que chaque chose représente sa particularité d'une façon imparfaite. Le dualisme platonicien se retrouve chez Plotin; à (...)
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  9.  69
    De Conceptie Van Kali De Moeder.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):144-157.
    Le culte grandiose de Kali, la Mère, son incomparable symbolisme, ses litanies et ses chants, embrasse l'âme de l'univers qu'il glorifie comme aucune conception religieuse ne le fit jamais. La terrifiante déesse sème la peste et les pires ravages sur ses pas, tout en accordant sa grâce et sa clémence à ses enfants assez hardis pour soulever l'horrible masque derrière lequel elle se cache la figure. Ceux-là retrouveront les traits radieux qui ont enchanté leur enfance. La sublime conception de Kali, (...)
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  10.  42
    De Manifestatie Van Het Absolute.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):425-439.
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  11.  50
    Over Het Denken.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1):20-30.
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  12. Authors index volume.B. G. Malmström, L. McIntyre, P. H. Plesch, R. M. Richman, D. Rothbart, E. R. Scerri, R. Strand, J. Van Brakel, H. Vancik & G. K. Vemulapalli - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (313).
  13.  60
    Mensch en Kosmos Bij Plotinus.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):293-308.
    Notre époque, traversée de courants mystiques, manifeste un intérêt tout particulier pour les idées du neo-platonicien Plotin. Pour le platonicien l'univers participe à l'idée. Platon considérait les choses comme le reflet de l'idée, ce que Plotin se refusait à admettre. La diversité dont la vie fait preuve atteste son inépuisable richesse, et si les choses dans leur état particulier sont imparfaites et défectueuses, c'est que chaque chose représente sa particularité d'une façon imparfaite. Le dualisme platonicien se retrouve chez Plotin; à (...)
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  14. Het Godsbegrip bij Vaynes van Brakell Buys & Willem Rudolf - 1934 - Utrecht,: E. J. Bijleveld.
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  15. Le culte de Kali, la mère.W. R. Brakell Buys - 1938 - Synthese 3 (1).
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    Is there no cross-cultural evidence in colour categories of psychological laws, only of cultural rules?Ype H. Poortinga & Fons J. R. Van de Vijver - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):205-206.
    Two points are made on the basis of (mainly) the cross-cultural psychological record. The first is that cross-cultural data indicate at least weak, nontrivial constraints on colour classification. The second is that exceptions to cross-cultural regularities as described by Saunders & van Brakel are compatible with the view that constraints on colour categories are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
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  17. Review of the books Interculturele communicatie en multiculturalisme: Enige filosofische voorbemerkingen, J. van Brakel, 2000, 90232333336;'Culturen bestaan niet': Het onderzoek van interculturaliteit als het openbreken van vanzelfsprekendheden, WJM van Binsbergen, 1999, 905677302x. [REVIEW]R. H. A. Corbey - 2000 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 92 (1):112-113.
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  18.  78
    Unique hues.Alex Byrne & David R. Hilbert - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):184-185.
    Saunders & van Brakel argue, inter alia, that there is for the claim that there are four unique hues (red, green, blue, and yellow), and that there are two corresponding opponent processes. We argue that this is quite mistaken.
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  19.  95
    On the neglect of the philosophy of chemistry.J. van Brakel - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (2):111-174.
    In this paper I present a historiography of the recent emergence of philosophy of chemistry. Special attention is given to the interest in this domain in Eastern Europe before the collapse of the USSR. It is shown that the initial neglect of the philosophy of chemistry is due to the unanimous view in philosophy and philosophy of science that only physics is a proper science (to put in Kant's words). More recently, due to the common though incorrect assumption that chemistry (...)
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  20. Bibliography on philosophy of chemistry.E. R. Scerri - 1997 - Synthese 111 (3):305-324.
    The term philosophy of chemistry is here construed broadly to include some publications from the history of chemistry and chemical education. Of course this initial selection of material has inevitably been biased by the interests of the author. This bibliography supersedes that of van Brakel and Vermeeren (1981), although no attempt has been made to include every single one of their entries, especially in languages other than English. Also, readers interested particularly in articles in German may wish to consult the (...)
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  21. Chemistry as the science of the transformation of substances.J. Van Brakel - 1997 - Synthese 111 (3):253-282.
  22.  38
    Constraints on the definitions of “unique hues” and “opponent channels”.Carl R. Ingling - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):194-195.
    Zone theories of color vision transform cone sensitivities to channel sensitivities before transmitting these signals to the brain. The concepts of and are fundamental to an understanding of this transformation. Saunders & van Brakel question the objectivity of these concepts. Statements in their target article indicate that the reason for this questioning stems from a failure to appreciate the constraints inherent in the definitions of these concepts.
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  23.  14
    Emotions as the fabric of forms of life: a cross-cultural perspective.Jaap Van Brakel - 1994 - In W. M. Wentworth & J. Ryan (eds.), Social perspectives on emotion.
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  24. Filosofie van de wetenschappen.J. van Brakel & J. van den Brink - 1990 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 52 (3):556-556.
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  25. Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry.J. Van Brakel - 2000
  26. Philosophy of Chemistry. Between the Manifest and the Scientific Image.Jaap van Brakel - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (2):431-432.
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  27.  44
    Telematic Life Forms.Jaap Van Brakel - 1999 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 4 (3):208-219.
  28.  15
    A multiculture of veridicalities.J. van Brakel - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):481-482.
    Edelman's target article purports to be about veridical representations. I argue that it would be a mistake to think it has much to do with veridicality as normally understood.
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  29. Eliminativisme gereduceerd tot pragmatisme.Jaap Van Brakel - 1993 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 85 (1):113-127.
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    Form(s) of life.Jaap Van Brakel - 2002 - In Rudolf Haller & Klaus Puhl (eds.), Wittgenstein and the future of philosophy: a reassessment after 50 years: papers of the 24th international Wittgenstein symposium.
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  31. The Plasticity of Categories: The Case of Colour.Jaap Van Brakel - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (1):103-135.
    Probably colour is the best worked-out example of allegedly neurophysiologically innate response categories determining percepts and percepts determining concepts, and hence biology fixing the basic categories implicit in the use of language. In this paper I argue against this view and I take C. L. Hardin's Color for Philosophers [1988] as my main target. I start by undermining the view that four unique hues stand apart from all other colour shades (Section 2) and the confidence that the solar spectrum is (...)
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  32.  54
    Consciousness is not a natural kind.J. van Brakel - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):269-270.
    Blocks distinction between “phenomenal feel” consciousness and “thought/cognition” consciousness is a cultural construction. Consciousness (and its “subspecies”) is not a natural kind. Some crosscultural data are presented to support this.
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  33. The philosophy of chemistry: From infancy towards maturity.J. Van Brakel - 2006 - In Davis Baird, Eric R. Scerri & Lee C. McIntyre (eds.), Philosophy of chemistry: synthesis of a new discipline. Dordrecht: Springer.
  34. Units of measurement and natural kinds: Some kripkean considerations.Jan Van Brakel - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (3):297-317.
    Kripke has argued that definitions of units of measurements provide examples of statements that are both contingent and a priori. In this paper I argue that definitions of units of measurement are intended to be stipulations of what Kripke calls "theoretical identities": a stipulation that two terms will have the same rigid designation. Hence such a definition is both a priori and necessary. The necessity arises because such definitions appeal to natural kind properties only, which on Kripke's account are necessary.
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  35.  39
    First Contacts and the Common Behavior of Human Beings.Jaap Van Brakel - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (4):105-135.
    In this paper my aim is to shed light on the common behavior of human beings by looking at '' first contacts '': the situation where people with unshared histories first meet. The limits of the human life form are given by what is similar in the common behavior of human beings. But what is similar should not be understood as something that is biologically or psychologically or transcendentally shared by all human beings. What is similar is what human beings (...)
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  36.  96
    Extension of Family Resemblance Concepts as a Necessary Condition of Interpretation across Traditions.Jaap van Brakel & Lin Ma - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (4):475-497.
    In this paper we extend Wittgenstein’s notion of family resemblance to translation, interpretation, and comparison across traditions. There is no need for universals. This holds for everyday concepts such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion and qing 情, as well as philosophical categories such as form of life and dao 道. These notions as well as all other concepts from whatever tradition are family resemblance concepts. We introduce the notion of quasi-universal, which connects family resemblance concepts (...)
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  37.  97
    Meaning, prototypes and the future of cognitive science.Jaap van Brakel - 1991 - Minds and Machines 1 (3):233-57.
    In this paper I evaluate the soundness of the prototype paradigm, in particular its basic assumption that there are pan-human psychological essences or core meanings that refer to basic-level natural kinds, explaining why, on the whole, human communication and learning are successful. Instead I argue that there are no particular pan-human basic elements for thought, meaning and cognition, neither prototypes, nor otherwise. To illuminate my view I draw on examples from anthropology. More generally I argue that the prototype paradigm exemplifies (...)
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  38.  27
    Conventions In Naming.J. Van Brakel - 1982 - Philosophy Research Archives 8:243-277.
    Conventions in the use of names are discussed, particularly names of linguistic expressions. Also the reference of measure terms like ‘kg’ is discussed, and it is found analogous in important respects to expression names. Some new light is shed on the token-type distinction. Applications to versions of the liar paradox are shown. The use of quotation marks is critically examined.
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    Cognitive scientism of science.Jaap Van Brakel - 1994 - Psycoloquy 5 (7).
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    The meanings of meaning.Jaap Van Brakel - 1994 - Stanford Humanities Review 4 (1).
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  41.  50
    Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Chemistry.Jaap Van Brakel - 2014 - Hyle: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry 20 (1):11-57.
    In this paper I assess the relation between philosophy of chemistry and philosophy of science, focusing on those themes in the philosophy of chemistry that may bring about major revisions or extensions of current philosophy of science. Three themes can claim to make a unique contribution to philosophy of science: first, the variety of materials in the world; second, extending the world by making new stuff; and, third, specific features of the relations between chemistry and physics.
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  42. On the inventors of XYZ.Jaap van Brakel - 2004 - Foundations of Chemistry 7 (1):57-84.
    In this paper I try to make as much sense aspossible of, first, the extensive philosophicalliterature concerned with the status of `Wateris H2O' and, second, the implications ofPutnam's invention of Twin Earth, anotherpossible world stipulated to be just like Earth, except that water is XYZ, notH2O.
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  43.  50
    The limited belief in chance.J. Van Brakel - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 22 (3):499-513.
    In a rarely quoted paper, published in 1958 in the American Journal of Physics, T. Ehrenfest-Afanassjewa introduced the idea that the concept of chance as employed in physics is subject to what she called a ‘Limited Belief in Chance’. In this paper I elaborate the latter concept and the distinction between absolute chance and relative randomness, where the latter, but not the former, is governed by the theory of probability. I argue that in the twentieth century virtually nobody believes seriously (...)
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  44.  97
    The chemistry of substances and the philosophy of mass terms.Jaap Van Brakel - 1986 - Synthese 69 (3):291-324.
  45.  27
    Colour is a culturalist category.J. van Brakel - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):507-508.
    Extrapolation of Steels & Belpaeme's (S&B) results show that colour is a culturalist category. Populations will only share the category of colour if it is built into the system. If “left to themselves” different populations may or may not stumble on the colour category. Populations that do not share a colour category may still be able to communicate in a wide variety of environments.
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  46.  63
    Pragmatic identity of meaning and metaphor.J. van Brakel & J. P. M. Geurts - 1988 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2 (2):205 – 226.
  47. The ignis fatuus of semantic universalia: The case of colour.J. van Brakel - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (2):770-783.
  48.  89
    Is Our Universe a Mere Fluke? The Cosmological Argument and Spinning the Universes.Jaap Van Brakel - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:75-82.
    Recent discussions about the anthropic principle and the argument from design can perhaps be summarized as follows : The world is very unusual, so it must have been made by an intelligent creator. The world is very unusual, but unusual things do occur by chance. Both and , in their ordinary interpretations, have been labelled probabilistic fallacies. In my paper I will discuss in particular the following two aspects: The contemporary relevance of Cicero's discussions on chance. The fact that any (...)
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  49.  47
    Interdiscourse or supervenience relations: The primacy of the manifest image.Jaap van Brakel - 1996 - Synthese 106 (2):253-97.
    Amidst the progress being made in the various (sub-)disciplines of the behavioural and brain sciences a somewhat neglected subject is the problem of how everything fits into one world and, derivatively, how the relation between different levels of discourse should be understood and to what extent different levels, domains, approaches, or disciplines are autonomous or dependent. In this paper I critically review the most recent proposals to specify the nature of interdiscourse relations, focusing on the concept of supervenience. Ideally supervenience (...)
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  50.  23
    Substances: The Ontology of Chemistry.Jaap Van Brakel - 2012 - Philosophy of Chemistry 6:191 - 229.
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